Tuesday 18 February 2020

What About The Authors?

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Being a student is not easy as it seems. Yes, it was full of fun but there are also struggles.

Being a student writer or a journalist rather, is a great advantage to have. Writing makes the imagination perfect, that leads to make it a reality --- someday.

What about the authors? We are still student. Doing great to have a better future. I am Allysa Mae Arceo and I have my colleagues in doing this website which is Maria Guenly Samson and Pauline Torres, We're currently studying in Porac Model Community High School (PMCHS) in Porac, Pampanga.

I and my colleagues are a Junior High School student specifically a Grade 10 one. We belong in a higher section, which they call "science class" and our section was named "Socrates". So basically, we are the only 10 - Socrates in our campus. Our subjects are not the same on those regular sections, we do have Electronics, Research, and Computer Science. Indeed , it's not easy to belong in a group of smart people and to do tasks in more creative way than the others.

We learn things as we grow older, and we're still learning. It's a great journey and experience to have knowledge when it comes to computer thingy. All we know that -- whatever you do always do your best and whatever situation you are, make the best out of it.

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