Friday 6 March 2020

Education is the way to success; human rights are the key on process

Life itself is a journey with many challenges to overcome, with many experiences to learn from and with many adventures to encounter. Journeys allow us to grow, to be tough and consider life as a beautiful thing ever. Experiences and difficulties help us to look at life from a different perspective and to become who we are today. Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. Basic human rights include the right to life, right to fair trial, personal security, right to own property, right to education and so on. Education is the most important thing in man life, it makes sense, and it change a person. Everyone deserves a freedom, everyone do deserves right and each one must do it right.

All of us known that life was never been easy. Each day had passed and all the feelings feel surreal. Memories of mine were still vivid and clear. School was my first love way back then. Laughter and joy fills my empty heart especially my mind with the learnings and journey. How could education be this powerful? It is truly the key to success  and the way to change the world. In order to perform effectively and produce great possibility, we should first have the rights we deserve to make it happen.

It was five o'clock in the morning and I was getting ready for my first day being a student in kindergarten. I'm so excited for my teacher, classmates, and surroundings. The typical mindset of a kid. As I carry my bag, I stepped out in our house, ready to leave for school. My school was only few blocks away so I prefer to walk. Everyday was the same, in each day I always learn something. My parents were always there, supporting and working hard to give me the best and the right to be educated. Days had passed and so my age and grade level in school. My dad has been diagnosed in having a coronary artery disease and yet they still let me go to school even sometimes, problems are everywhere. It's been years and all I recall is the rights had been given to me in education since day first. I'm beyond grateful for what I've ever had in my childhood school memories. My parents and school's staff deserve a hundreds of 'thank you' for the privilege they allow me to receive. I believe that education will be the guiding path for us to achieve things and to fight something not aligned with the right things.

Education is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other human rights. Each human deserves rights not only in education but in general. Let education be the tool to know the truth and to serve what is right.

"Youth's Major Issues: Government Must Do Their Part"

The society nowadays has changed, it's not what it is years ago. People change and so does the society they live in. Life without problem is not a normal one, they will always be there.We cannot change the fact that issues nowadays are growing and expanding. One of the factors that the issues are targeting are the youth.

Most discussions on youth have focuses on issues such as discrimination, violence, drug abuse or sexual poverty and their mental health. These issues affect them negatively. The important thing to focus now is, what is the best solution to apply for we to able to help the youth? Youth are the hope of the nation, they are the key to success. So right now, we must end these issues before they'll end us.

Violence in school has been one of the most popular phenomenon. Some students got involved to it because of having a lack of parenting specifically - discipline. Drug and sexual abuse is very common too. It is because of having a young age, other people take advantage to them. The other one is poverty, not everyone experiencing it but some were suffering into it. Having a lack of money and needs can have a big impact on a person basically a student/youth. Even if he or she really wants to pursue his studies, he/she doesn't have another choice. How sad it is knowing youth, a group of young people, are already facing some major issues in their life. Wherein they should enjoy learning and discovering new things. But just what has been stated, hurdles are constant and issues are relevant. One must know how to deal with it, and government must do their part on solving it.

The responsibility of finding solutions about youth major issues lies largely on the government. The government is the best group of people which can do things to lessen these issues that affect the youth nowadays. They must include this topic as one of their agenda or priorities. Youth are one of the important people in a society, it's a requirement to make them good and feel better.

The Government can promote Youth Empowerment which can lead to make all the youth a better person with a better skills. It is also to enable, and ensure the rights and welfare of the Filipino youth. As a suggestions, they should add more some programs that focuses on youth's mental health. They must promote it in every school so every students who have social, personal, or mental issues can seek help immediately. Another thing is, the programs they have been approved or did shouldn't be only in cities. The people basically the students around Visayas and Mindanao are those people who really need help. The programs they have must cover all the youth, especially those who really needs assistance.

Though it is  believed that everything is predestined in our lives, we still are responsible for our doings. We shouldn't just sit and watch the government take their part in every circumstances. Be a part on making changes and improvements.


Wednesday 4 March 2020

"Leap of Faith"

As the old year retires,
Another day will come up,
Another moments will be cherished,
By myself while waiting for the one true man.

I am not the game changer type of woman,
I wasn't made to chase someone,
It was never my job to find a man,
This mission was never a part of my eighteen fathom.

To be love deeply for once,
Once but will last decades,
Decades that will worth to wait,
Waiting that will never terrify me to do.

No one would dare to follow,
But I know this string attached to us,
Will lead the way through our doorway,
The doorway to our heart's desire.

I will stand into a labyrinth of wilderness,
Even if it cost my life,
Because we will never know if we're ready,
It's a leap of faith, that's all it is.